For those supporting any of our projects financially from Germany, please include your address in the reference line, so that we can send you a donation receipt for the tax office. You can send your financial contributions to:

Accounts in Germany:

Accounts in Nigeria:

Ev.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde Unterwürschnitz/Fünf-Brote Mission
IBAN: DE60 8705 8000 3705 0020 06
BIC: WELADED1PLX Sparkasse Vogtland
Verwendungszweck: FBM – Storehouse Of Hope and Care Foundation.

Storehouse of hope and care foundation

Bank: Diamond Bank
Account number: 0096479558
reference: Please indicate the purpose, from [your name and address]

Bibel Oase e.V
Volksbank Vogtland eG:
IBAN: DE28870958245021114008
BIC: GENODEF Volksbank Vogtland eG
reference: Storehouse Of Hope and Care Foundation, from [your name and address]